Thursday, October 23, 2008

Captured memories of our wedding celebrations

The above has been beautifully arranged by KC. Once again we'd like to extend our thanks to him, Fang, Elder Youzhen, as well as Kimberly for the cherished photos and videos.

More of our wedding photos can be found at:

You can also view more of KC's works at:


~munyee~ said...

Hey Ching Hui! You had such a beautiful wedding! You look really beautiful! And Matthias looked so cute! Thanks for sharing the photos. I thought I will never have a chance to see them. :P

mun&hui said...

I'm really surprised you still bother to come back to this blog, considering it's not been updated for ages! Thanks so much for that! More photos can be seen once I change the settings in Flickr, hope you'll like them too!